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Forum read only. Open Source Data Logger Project Using the Arduino? Pages: 1 2 Topic: Open Source Data Logger Project Using the Arduino? So I was thinking that an open source logger based on the Arduino could be an ideal solution, the biggest issue would be having coolterm arduino 4 20ma easy to use for the end user, a nice front end on the software, but allow the more technical to make modifications for the odd sensor. I would even be prepared to start some sort of contest to kick start this project, throw in some prizes to generate some interest. Anyone feel that this would be worthwhile? Re: Open Source Data Logger Project Using the Ardu. Thats a cool and interesting idea. What kind of sensor input are you thinking about, and what should the software on the PC side be able to do? Hey, Glad you like the idea! I was thinking V, mA using a shuntwould be nice to have 30k thermistors pretty cheap and lots of themdigital pulse counting and maybe also 1-wire?!?! Also, have the coolterm arduino 4 20ma to trigger a digital channel on an alarm condition. Then can download the data and export it as a CSV format, all straight forward stuff. I guess my main thing would be packaging, making it as simple as possible for the non-technical user. What do you all coolterm arduino 4 20ma I'd enter the competition if the price was nice. You'd probably have a class for each kind of sensor and store the config in the inbuilt EEPROM bytes. The tricky bit is storing large amounts of data. Either a flash chip or a SD card would do but I never had any luck with the SD. How do you usually interface with data loggers? Is sending commands via serial the best idea? That makes it reasonably easy to dump data and change the configuration. Dang, I should have been an EE. I'm aware of a usb memory stick logger solution for the Arduino. Is this different from what you are proposing?

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